Warm up: On, in, under, by song
Warm up: On, in, under, by song
Tune:(Frere Jacques)
On, in, under.
On, in, under.
By, by, by.
By, by, by.
On, in, under.
On, in, under.
By, by, by.
By. by. by.
準備物品: Uno cards
(in, on, under, by的部份)另準備四張animals (cat, spider, rabbit, fish)
1. 因為幼稚園的孩子不會玩Uno,所以我發給孩子一人兩張Uno卡
2. 孩子可輪流選擇(in, on, under, by)並抽一張animal卡
3. 如果孩子手上的卡有符合這兩個條件的就可以把卡拿給老師並大聲唸出句子
Ex: The rabbit is in the toilet.
The cat is on the box.
The spider is under the chair.
The fish is by the car.
4. 最先把手上的卡交出來的小朋友就是winner